Fravia's Messageboard ~ Moderated
Re: name it babbleware device
Thursday, 10-Jun-1999 09:11:20

hey, humphrey-dumphrey!
how's the kings army? able or unable to put you back on place?

knobs 1,3,4,5 are quite general, but i would like to have number (O) 'choose language',
and make number two dependend on the choosen by number (0).
and (0) should have also a separate section for non-language things, like 'ouch', 'zzzzz', 'humm' etc. coz they quite differ in languages (but should not ?).

is the Golem your Alice? or your wonderland?
or mirror world?

golem also means big, in a dialect of my language, BTW. so you know how to make something smaller? apply a melog on it ;-)

jsut some play on words

